It has been a while since I have moved my fingers fast on a keyboard and blogged!
Let's start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR! Heres to 2015! I always like to reflect on the last year that has passed. Last year was a huge eye opener for me in many ways. So many changes. Tyler had finally gotten his diagnosis and our lives changed. Even though we knew there was some kind of diagnosis for Tyler, we just didn't realize how much it would rock our world. the amount we have learned about our son in a year has been amazing. We truly understand Tyler now. I have learned the right ways to parent a child on the Autism Spectrum. who am I kidding.... I am still learning lol. I am so thankful for Behavioral Therapy! I learned that yes Tyler does think of things differently, he sees things differently and he also hears things differently. Being a mother of four boys~ 3 non-typical boys and one ASD child is hard to balance. Our whole family has gone through so much change and understanding, but also I know it can be frustrating for Tyler's brothers to go through. Behavioral Therapy helps Tyler to understand things. I also bring his brothers in for therapy from time to time so they can understand Tyler more also. In 2014 I have learned what family and friend support truly is. I thank my family for being there for us, having an open heart to accept, learn and understand Tyler. I have learned a lot about friendships and who is a true friend and who isn't. I know to some old friends (I say old because they are not around anymore) this was to much to understand or support me through. A sons Autism diagnosis really shows you who your real friends are and their true love and support. I thank those friends for being there for me. I know being a friend to a special needs mother is not easy. I know it can't be fun to hear me complain about the same things over and over. I know there are moments you probably don't want to hear about, like the fact Tyler tried something new to eat instead of a cheese burger lol, but these are the moments of my life. Autism and Tyler had consumed my life in 2014. I had to learn so much and get on track with my son. I also had to be a mother to my other boys and help them understand. It is an overwhelming thing to balance it all. So, I know my close friends have seen it all... they have seen me so proud I could scream about it from the roof tops "HE ATE CHICKEN!!!!" lol, then they have seen me cry to the point of feeling so defeated and then they have seen me angry to the point where I thank god for my conscience for stopping me from going "Autism Mama Bear" crazy on someone! It has been an emotional roller coaster and I am so blessed to have a couple of friends being there for me through it all! I do believe when a mother hears for the first time her son has Autism, she goes through a series of emotional acceptance and challenges. I went through it all last year. I am finally feeling like I have most of it under control. Don't get me wrong, I am still learning every day ~ there are good days and bad! I just accept my life now. I understand what my job is as a Autism Mom and a Non-Typical Mom. These are two different types of parenting and I have learned to balance them both. Thank god for my understanding husband. He has seen me at my best and worst. His support has been amazing and much needed. Knowing my husband will always be there and support me is what keeps me going. Love you babe!
Our family has changed after this diagnosis, but we are an even stronger family now! As much as I learned from 2014, I am happy to see it end! I am looking forward to 2015.